Steve Scarsone on the Season

A cold and blistery day at Raley Field in West Sacramento. The wind blew a chill through the park as grounds crew rushed to prep the field with a dark mesh of clouds lingering on the horizon. Members of the media waited as Ball Players tended to their in house media duties. Steve Scarsone was the first to address the group, talking in brief about the benefits and struggles that come along with being a home town player, referring to pitcher Eric Berger. Berger, who was with Oaklahoma City last year, returns home making Roseville fans excited for the upcoming season.
Raley Field will feature mobile ticketing through a new Android/iphone app where users will be able to purchase tickets in advance, listen to audio from broadcasts, and participate in contests during the game. A lot to look forward to for the 2014 Season.
Production Note: Barber Films shot the interview, animated the intro and lower thirds, and edited the piece.